SCB Webinar Series: Visual Communication as a Conservation Tool - Adam Spencer - Filmmakers for Conservation

SCB Webinar Series: Visual Communication as a Conservation Tool - Adam Spencer - Filmmakers for Conservation

Doug Parsons
SCB Webinar Series: *Visual Communication as a Conservation Tool - Adam
Spencer - Filmmakers for Conservation*

Date:* June 10th, 2015, 2-3pm EST*

Register here:

Description: How can multimedia storytelling forward your conservation
objectives? Learn about successful film, photographic, and new media
conservation campaigns and how you can incorporate simple storytelling
techniques to achieve similar results.

Adam Spencer is the co-President of Filmmakers for Conservation, a league
of media professionals passionate about communicating the urgency of
conservation. He has worked with the Galapagos National Park, National
Geographic, PeruVerde, Energetica, the Bioko Biodiversity Protection
Program, the Smithsonian National Zoo and the [...]

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