Research Technician - Marine Fisheries Ecology, Auburn University, Alabama
*Research Technician - Marine Fisheries Ecology*
*Auburn University, Alabama*
*Responsibilities:*To assist in investigations of the ecology, movement,
habitat use, age structure, fecundity, and nursery habitats of marine
fishes in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Responsibilities include
preparing for and conducting surveys of marine fishes using SCUBA visual
counts, trap nets, gill nets, hook & line, hydroacoustics, and
ultrasonic telemetry.Responsibilities also include laboratory analysis
of fish otoliths, gonads, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and video transects. [...]
*Auburn University, Alabama*
*Responsibilities:*To assist in investigations of the ecology, movement,
habitat use, age structure, fecundity, and nursery habitats of marine
fishes in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Responsibilities include
preparing for and conducting surveys of marine fishes using SCUBA visual
counts, trap nets, gill nets, hook & line, hydroacoustics, and
ultrasonic telemetry.Responsibilities also include laboratory analysis
of fish otoliths, gonads, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and video transects. [...]
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