FW: Reminder to Submit an Abstract for the 2015 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

FW: Reminder to Submit an Abstract for the 2015 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

Suzanne Garrett
The deadline for abstract submission is next week and we’d like as many people as possible to have an opportunity to submit. Could you please forward to the GCFI list? Thank you!

From: Gulf Conference [mailto:gulfconference@oceanleadership.org]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 12:03 PM
To: Suzanne Garrett
Subject: Reminder to Submit an Abstract for the 2015 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference [...]

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FW: Reminder to Submit an Abstract for the 2015 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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