Reminder: Workshp on Best practices and trade-offs for selecting between fishery-dependent vs fishery-independent sampling in data-limited regions

Reminder: Workshp on Best practices and trade-offs for selecting between fishery-dependent vs fishery-independent sampling in data-limited regions

Nancie Cummings
Reminder: Special GCFI data limited workshop to be convened November 9
- 10 at the 68th GCFI Conference.

/*Workshop on Best practices and trade-offs for selecting between
fishery-dependent vs fishery-independent sampling in data-limited
regions.* (9-10 Nov, registration required)/

A special GCFI workshop is scheduled on November 9-10 to identify and
evaluate trade-offs for a variety of case studies with high, moderate,
and low resources available for implementing fishery-independent vs
fishery-dependent data sampling programs in the wider Caribbean region.
Workshop participants will review data needs, cost-benefits and
available resources related to implementing fishery-independent vs
fishery-dependent data sampling programs. A report will [...]

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