GCFI Student Travel Awards and Ron Schmied Scholarship /Beca de Viaje para Estudiantes y Beca de Ron Schmied/ Récompense de Voyage pour Étudiants e Ron Schmied

GCFI Student Travel Awards and Ron Schmied Scholarship /Beca de Viaje para Estudiantes y Beca de Ron Schmied/ Récompense de Voyage pour Étudiants e Ron Schmied

Nancy Brown-Peterson
Students! GCFI is pleased to offer again this year two $750US travel awards to attend the 67th GCFI conference in Barbados 3-7 November 2014. All full-time students planning to give an oral or poster presentation are eligible to apply for these travel awards. In addition, The Ron Schmied Scholarship, a GCFI initiative supported by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) and private individuals, will offer $1,500US to a qualified graduate student with an interest in social, economic, biological, ecological, or management perspectives on recreational fisheries in support of their travel to the 67th GCFI. Full details and application procedures for [...]

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