GCFI receives award to support fishers

GCFI receives award to support fishers



February 9, 2015

Contact: Bob Glazer.


Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Inc.

[email protected]

[Marathon, Florida] LGL Ecological Research Associates Awards GCFI $2,500 to
Support Fisher Activities

The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute is very pleased to announce that
LGL Ecological Research Associates has awarded GCFI $2,500 for activities
related to enhancing the Fisheries for Fishers Initiative (F4F) and Gladding
Memorial Awards (GMA). These two activities are designed to ensure that
fishers are included in the dialog of management and sustainability of the
regions' marine and coastal resources. Dr. Will Heyman, representing LGL,
noted that, [...]

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GCFI receives award to support fishers | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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