CaMPAM MPA Session and "CaMPAM News" at the GCFI

CaMPAM MPA Session and "CaMPAM News" at the GCFI

Georgina Bustamante
Dear CaMPAM members,

As every year, the CaMPAM of UNEP-CEP/SPAW is coordinating the session MPA
Science and Management scheduled for Thursday afternoon (see program here
Fifteen presentations were selected out of 22 submitted online to GCFI.

Also as every year, and after a “call for travel request” (disseminated via
CaMPAM List and directly to partners) and the selection of abstracts and
candidates, UNEP-CEP/SPAW is sponsoring the participation of 9 MPA
practitioners and scientists presenters at the MPA session, as well as
fishermen associated to MPAs. The funding has come from different sources,
including the Directorate General for Development [...]

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CaMPAM MPA Session and "CaMPAM News" at the GCFI | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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