Fwd: Solicitation for SEFCRI TAC member seats

Fwd: Solicitation for SEFCRI TAC member seats

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> De: "Glazer, Bob"
> Fecha: 9 de junio de 2015 10:00:10 GMT-5
> Para: Bárbara Reveles
> Asunto: RE: Solicitation for SEFCRI TAC member seats
> Barbara
> Can you please submit this to [email protected]? It will then go to the gcfinet list.
> Thank you!
> Robert Glazer
> Research Scientist
> Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
> Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
> 2796 Overseas Highway, Ste. 119
> Marathon, FL 33050 USA
> 305-289-2330
> [email protected]
> www.myfwc.com/research
> From: [...]

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