Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Norlan Lamb
Reference the excellent question posed by Ms. Frias-Torres and the practice
of 'catch & release' sport fishing and should ethics be a component in
'catch & release' sport fishing policy.
I have commercially fished the waters of my homeland for 32 years; over the
last 16 I have participated in ongoing shark surveys with Drs. E. Babcock
Miami and D. Chapman SUNY, as a direct result of this ongoing
research and involving the catch & release of 99% of shark captured our
collective knowledge regarding several species of shark has significantly
This increased knowledge should enable 'competent authorities' to [...]

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