Caribbean Ocean Bottom Exploration Nautilus

Caribbean Ocean Bottom Exploration Nautilus

Glazer, Bob
Dear Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Listerserver members
The EV Nautilus is in the Caribbean and diving off the Mona Block right now! The expedition can be followed live!
Roy Armstrong (UPR-Mayagüez) is aboard now and until the 11th of October and Graciela García-Moliner (CFMC and GCFI Board Member) will be joining the expedition from the 11th to the 17th.
The EV Nautilus will then go to
Oct 21 – Oct 28: Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on the Seafloor Montserrat & Dominica
Nov 1 – Nov 18: Kick’em Jenny Volcano & Trinidad Tar Seeps Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago
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Caribbean Ocean Bottom Exploration Nautilus | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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