Video on seafood ecolabeling by MSC for fisheries sustainability "Our Fisheries, Our Future: Sustainable Fishing in the Developing World (Mexico Gambia, Maldives)

Video on seafood ecolabeling by MSC for fisheries sustainability "Our Fisheries, Our Future: Sustainable Fishing in the Developing World (Mexico Gambia, Maldives)

Georgina Bustamante

Our Fisheries, Our Future: Sustainable Fishing in the Developing World

Stewardship Council (MSC)

Stewardship Council (MSC)

“Published on Dec 3, 2013

'Our fisheries, our future' follows three developing world fisheries, (the
Gambia red and black sole, Mexico red rock lobster, and Maldives skipjack
tuna fisheries), that are using the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) program
to improve their management, improve their environmental outcomes, increase
their access to markets and so enhance their economic and social welfare. [...]

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Video on seafood ecolabeling by MSC for fisheries sustainability "Our Fisheries, Our Future: Sustainable Fishing in the Developing World (Mexico Gambia, Maldives) | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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