Oceaning Zoning Lunchtime Session at GCFI

Oceaning Zoning Lunchtime Session at GCFI

Ocean Zoning as a Tool for Caribbean Fisheries Management

This year, the Waitt Institute will be hosting a lunchtime event on Ocean Zoning on Thursday, 6 November from 12:30 to 2:00pm. Ocean Zoning is an important tool for managing fisheries and coastal resources, but it is barely used in the Caribbean. This session will present the theory and several case studies about ocean zoning in the Caribbean and beyond. Then, as a group, we will consider (1) what the obstacles are to applying this management tool more broadly, (2) what locations might be most appropriate for this approach, and if [...]

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Oceaning Zoning Lunchtime Session at GCFI | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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