Re: MEDIA Reslease -FAO- Shrimp and groundfish production on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf can be increased, say Fisheries experts

Re: MEDIA Reslease -FAO- Shrimp and groundfish production on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf can be increased, say Fisheries experts

Rubec, Peter
Ramon, You may be interested in a study I conducted with pink shrimp fishermen on the West Florida Shelf. Significantly higher catch rates were found in oceanographic upwelling zones during the summer and fall of 2004. Habitat suitability modeling conducted monthly for 16 months showed that bottom current speed and current direction influenced the spatial distributions and abundances of pink shrimp. The paper is In Press with the AFS journal Marine and Coastal Fisheries. Oceanographic predictions from circulaton modeling by the University of South Florida can assist fishermen in finding pink shrimp aggregations in upwelling zones. [...]

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Re: MEDIA Reslease -FAO- Shrimp and groundfish production on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf can be increased, say Fisheries experts | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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