IADB & FAO invest in shrimp and groundfish fisheries management - For GCFI-List distribution

IADB & FAO invest in shrimp and groundfish fisheries management - For GCFI-List distribution

VanAnrooy, Raymon (FAOSLC)
Inter American Development Bank grants FAO $75 000 for shrimp and groundfish management on the Guianas -Brazil Shelf
Grant is expected to lead to major investments in ecosystem-based shrimp fisheries.

30 January, Bridgetown
The shrimp and ground fish fisheries of the Guianas-Brazil shelf provide employment to at least 150 000 fishers and many more in auxiliary jobs (processing, marketing/trade, vessel and gear repair and maintenance, etc.). The number of households that are economically dependent on the income derived from working in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries sub-sector is estimated to be over 1 million. Shrimp fisheries contribute significantly to hunger [...]

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IADB & FAO invest in shrimp and groundfish fisheries management - For GCFI-List distribution | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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