Re: Goliath Grouper Spawning

Re: Goliath Grouper Spawning

Tony Grogan
Sarah, I don't think you captured spawning in Goliath Grouper for 2 reasons: 1) It takes a male and female in close proximity to accomplish external fertilization, each shedding their gametes at approximately the same time--I don't see that happening in your paper or images.  2.) Goliath Grouper eggs, as well as the eggs of most other fishes are transparent and do not appear as a "cloud", as stated in your report. I suspect that the fish presumed to be shedding eggs is actually shedding poop, which does appear as a cloud; that is especially true of Goliath Grouper poop [...]

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Re: Goliath Grouper Spawning | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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