Reminder: Early Bird Registration for the 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit ends Oct 31

Reminder: Early Bird Registration for the 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit ends Oct 31

Zimmerman, Dorothy
Good morning, colleagues:

The early-bird registration for the 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit, which will be held Jan.13-16, 2015 in Clearwater Beach, Fla., ends this Friday, Oct. 31.

The Summit has become a unique event to learn about the latest in artificial reef research and management strategies. It happens just once every 4 to 6 years, and attracts fisheries biologists and ecological experts not only from Florida, but from across the Southeast United States, the Caribbean, and overseas. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the latest in artificial reef research and management strategies, and share new ideas for [...]

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Reminder: Early Bird Registration for the 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit ends Oct 31 | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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