Re: GCFI, Pointe Sable and Port Honduras in NOAA Carib newsletter

Re: GCFI, Pointe Sable and Port Honduras in NOAA Carib newsletter

Bill Arnold - NOAA Federal
Thanks for forwarding the message to GCFI membership, Emma. We're working
hard to increase awareness of NOAA in the Caribbean (aka NOAA Carib), and
this kind of publicity really helps.


On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Emma Doyle wrote:

> *Providing Information Exchange among Users of Marine Resources in the
> Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Region*
> There's lots of interesting information in the latest 'NOAA in the
> Caribbean Newsletter', please see link below.
> On page 5 there's a feature on GCFI and NOAA's management planning work
> with [...]

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