INVITATION: 2014 SouthEast Acoustics Consortium Workshop

INVITATION: 2014 SouthEast Acoustics Consortium Workshop

Chris Taylor - NOAA Federal
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the second workshop and forum of the
SouthEast Acoustics Consortium (SEAC), April 1-3, 2014, at the Advanced
Technology Center of Gulf Coast State College in Panama City, FL. The
first 2 days of the workshop will include oral and poster presentations
along with moderated discussions on research and management applications
using active acoustics (fishery sonar, echosounders). We are also planning
two demostration/training opportunities on March 31st and April 3rd for
hands-on demonstrations of fishery and imaging sonar technologies offered
by manufacturers (and SEAC members). [...]

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INVITATION: 2014 SouthEast Acoustics Consortium Workshop | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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