GCFI Student Travel Awards and Ron Schmied Scholarship /Beca de Viaje para Estudiantes y Beca de Ron Schmied/ Récompense de Voyage pour Étudiants e la bourse Ron Schmied

GCFI Student Travel Awards and Ron Schmied Scholarship /Beca de Viaje para Estudiantes y Beca de Ron Schmied/ Récompense de Voyage pour Étudiants e la bourse Ron Schmied

Nancy Brown-Peterson
Reminder to students: The deadline to apply for the GCFI Travel Awards and the Ron Schmied Scholarship to attend the 67th GCFI meeting in Barbados is July 31, only 3 weeks away! Full details and application procedures for both awards can be found at http://www.gcfi.org/StudentAwards/StudentAwards.htm. Submit completed application materials, including an abstract, to [email protected] by the July 31 deadline to be considered for these awards. [...]

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GCFI Student Travel Awards and Ron Schmied Scholarship /Beca de Viaje para Estudiantes y Beca de Ron Schmied/ Récompense de Voyage pour Étudiants e la bourse Ron Schmied | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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