Caribbean Sargassum Event 2014 - Reporting Website Available

Caribbean Sargassum Event 2014 - Reporting Website Available

James Franks
Massive quantities of pelagic sargassum have been washing up along Caribbean shorelines this year, significantly disrupting local fishing, tourism and community activities. This ongoing event recently received considerable attention via the GCFINET LISTSERV. Those correspondences are providing extremely valuable information on this region-wide phenomenon.

Scientists with the University of Southern Mississippi - Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) and their collaborators are assessing critical aspects of this event (as with the 2011 Caribbean mass sargassum strandings event), including the source and causes. In 2012 the GCRL developed a website (with user-friendly online reporting form) designed specifically to accommodate the reporting of [...]

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Caribbean Sargassum Event 2014 - Reporting Website Available | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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