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Author or authors of paper, book, or book section being referenced. Notes:
  • Put all authors on same "item" line with "and" if necessary.
  • First author: Last name first. Other authors: First name first.
  • If this is an entire book and the "author" is an editor, add " (ed)" (no quotes) after the name.
  • End the line with a .
A . will be added afterwards automatically, so do not put it in this field.
For journal articles: title of article. For book sections: title of section. For entire books: title of book.
Journal title. Omit for books and book sections.
Omit for books and book sections.
Omit for books and book sections
For journal articles, format is "100-105." (ending in .); for book sections, format is "Pages 24-50 in:". Omit for entire books.
For book sections only. If the "author" is an editor, add " (ed)" (no quotes) after the name.
For book sections only.
For books and book sections only. Include series information, etc. Example: "Gulf and Carribean Fisheries Institute Special Publication Series Number 1".
City, State. For books and book sections only.
Files must be less than 1 GB.
Allowed file types: pdf.

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