Reminder: Final Call for Interested participants in Special Workshop: Strategies for Improving Fishery-dependent Data for Use in Data-limited Stock Assessments in the Wider Caribbean Region

Reminder: Final Call for Interested participants in Special Workshop: Strategies for Improving Fishery-dependent Data for Use in Data-limited Stock Assessments in the Wider Caribbean Region

Nancie Cummings
Alejandro, Bob- please post the following final call for the data
limited workshop.

Thank you.

Dear GCFI Friends:

A few spots remain open for the following Special Workshop: If you are
interested in participating please confirm your interest today.

/*_Call for Interested participants in Special Workshop: Strategies for
Improving Fishery-dependent Data for Use in Data-limited Stock
Assessments in the Wider Caribbean Region_*//_(2-3 Nov. 2014,
registration is required). Venue: see
( [...]

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