Re: Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Re: Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Chanona, Janelle
Good day all,

I’d like the clarification on this too. Trawling is a very destructive form of fishing but trolling and bottom fishing (drop line) is considerably less so.
Belize was the third country in the world to ban all forms of trawling in our waters.

Thank you.


Janelle Chanona |
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OCEANA | Protecting the World’s Oceans
2358 Hibiscus Street | City of Belmopan, Belize
D +501-610-2358 | T +501-822-2792 | F +501-822-2797
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Re: Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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