Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

John Claydon
Dear Sarah,

I don’t know if this answers your question, but here goes. I am not a
sport-fisher, but I have learned to appreciate the value of this
industry despite sharing your concern for any distress to the fish
involved: catch-and-release sport-fishing seems to be a very good way of
maximizing the value of an individual fish (even if the poor fish
doesn’t survive the experience once released). It is likely that as a
tourist, paying a charter operation to go and catch that fish gives more
to the local economy than buying that fish from a commercial fisher, or

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Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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