Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work

Bush, Phillippe
Hello Sarah et. al.,
I understand your feelings re making other animals suffer....however, sport fishing is here to stay (until 'they / it' run(s) out of course)!

Amidst the 'zillions of dollars to be made in the overall economy of the sport fishing world, I doubt the cortisol levels in stressed fish even registers with fisheries scientist, much less fishers, or the average Joe...... personally, I don't give a second thought to clubbing a Barracuda to death with a 'muntle' after catching it so it doesn't bite the crap out of my me....much more 'humane' than letting it suffocate deck [...]

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Re: Ethics RE: [GCFINET] Wanted: Rules & Regulations Fishing Charters that work | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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