Please join GCFI Webinar - ELI presents "Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean"

Please join GCFI Webinar - ELI presents "Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean"

Emma Doyle
Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean: Challenges and

Summary: Please join us at 11am EST on Friday February 13 for a webinar
presenting the findings from the Environmental Law Institute's new report,
Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean: Challenges and
Opportunities, which was prepared for the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries
Institute (GCFI) with support from UNEP's Caribbean Environment Programme
under the SPAW Protocol with funding from the Government of Italy. [...]

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Please join GCFI Webinar - ELI presents "Legal Frameworks for MPA Enforcement in the Caribbean" | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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