Passing of Professor Ivan Goodbody, UWI, Jamaica

Passing of Professor Ivan Goodbody, UWI, Jamaica

It is useful to note the passing in the UK on Wed. 16th April 2014 of Emeritus Professor Ivan M. Goodbody, marine biologist former head of the Department of Zoology and then Life Sciences Department of the University of the West Indies, Mona campus, Jamaica. Though not a fisheries scientist, he taught many of the Caribbean region's pre-eminent ones, including Professors Wayne Hunte and Robin Mahon of Barbados, Milton Haughton, now head of CRFM and myself Karl Aiken. He put in place in the late 1960s Jamaica's first tertiary level Marine Biology Programme and later(1969- 1974) helped to secure a [...]

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Passing of Professor Ivan Goodbody, UWI, Jamaica | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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