New publication on MPAs in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas coauthored by CaMPAM, MedPAN and WWF-Mediterrenean coordinators

New publication on MPAs in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas coauthored by CaMPAM, MedPAN and WWF-Mediterrenean coordinators

Georgina Bustamante
Bustamante, G., P. Canals, G. Di Carlo, M. Gomei, M. Romani, H. Souan and
A. Vanzella-Khouri. 2014. Marine protected areas management in the Caribbean
and Mediterranean Seas: making them more than paper parks. Aquatic
Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24 (Supplement 2): 153-165.
Wiley Online Library DLI:10.1002/aqc.2503

Georgina Bustamante, Ph.D.

Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management (CaMPAM) Network and Forum
The UNEP-CEP capacity building program for MPA managers and stakeholders [...]

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New publication on MPAs in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas coauthored by CaMPAM, MedPAN and WWF-Mediterrenean coordinators | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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