Improving the Outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs - A Regional Plan of Action 2014 - 2019

Improving the Outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs - A Regional Plan of Action 2014 - 2019

CRFM Secretariat
Dear Sir / Madam,

The CRFM Secretariat is pleased to submit herewith, the policy document
entitled: 'Improving the Outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs - A Regional Plan
of Action 2014 - 2019' which is a new roadmap for navigating the challenges
of managing coral reefs in a changing climate.

Coral reefs provide benefits to the region valued at over US$3.1 to 4.6
billion annually, along with shoreline protection, habitat for healthy
fisheries and natural infrastructure that supports the economically vital
tourism sector. They are also internationally significant, representing
unique biodiversity totaling approximately 10 per cent of the world's reef
area. [...]

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Improving the Outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs - A Regional Plan of Action 2014 - 2019 | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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