Fwd: WIO Marine and Coastal News Round-ups : 9 July, 2015 - Sharks, rays and skates on film: Southern and Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands joins global shark survey....and other news.

Fwd: WIO Marine and Coastal News Round-ups : 9 July, 2015 - Sharks, rays and skates on film: Southern and Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands joins global shark survey....and other news.

Alessandra Vanzella-Khouri
Information of relevance to the Caribbean below regarding survey on sharks
and rays to include the Western Atlantic ...

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From: Nairobi Convention
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:20 AM
Subject: WIO Marine and Coastal News Round-ups : 9 July, 2015 - Sharks,
rays and skates on film: Southern and Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean
islands joins global shark survey....and other news.
To: [...]

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Fwd: WIO Marine and Coastal News Round-ups : 9 July, 2015 - Sharks, rays and skates on film: Southern and Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean islands joins global shark survey....and other news. | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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