Fwd: NOAA Caribbean Strategy Now in Place

Fwd: NOAA Caribbean Strategy Now in Place

Nancy Daves - NOAA Federal
From: Eileen Sobeck - NOAA Federal
Date: Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 1:43 PM
Subject: NOAA Caribbean Strategy Now in Place

Good afternoon:

Recently, NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan approved the first–ever NOAA
Caribbean Strategy
NOAA Fisheries participated in the development of this strategy to ensure
the plan helps advance our Caribbean region priorities and national
stewardship and science-based management mission. This new strategy is
intended to better coordinate and integrate the abilities of all NOAA
offices to address regional issues and improve partnering, mission
effectiveness, and international cooperation in the Caribbean region. It
also supports our commitment [...]

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Fwd: NOAA Caribbean Strategy Now in Place | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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