Fish Carbon - Meeting the Climate Change Challenge - New Report and Webinar - Monday 24th 1:00 PM EST

Fish Carbon - Meeting the Climate Change Challenge - New Report and Webinar - Monday 24th 1:00 PM EST

Steven Lutz
Dear colleagues,

You may be interested in a new report highlighting an innovative concept - the sustainable management of marine vertebrates potentially playing a role in addressing the climate change challenge.

Dr. Sylvia Earle, Founder of Mission Blue and a former Chief Scientist of NOAA, provided a review and the Preface for the report, which was launched on Nov 9th in Abu Dhabi. A Webinar on the report is scheduled for Monday, Nov 24th, at 1:00 PM EST US. [...]

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Fish Carbon - Meeting the Climate Change Challenge - New Report and Webinar - Monday 24th 1:00 PM EST | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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