Caribbean fisherfolk share experiences of livelihoods and community-based management at the 67th GCFI

Caribbean fisherfolk share experiences of livelihoods and community-based management at the 67th GCFI

Georgina Bustamante
Caribbean fisherfolk share experiences of livelihoods and community-based
management at the 67th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Annual

November 13, 2014. Last week, at the 67
th Annual Meeting of
the GCFI in Barbados more than 20 fisherfolk participating in the most
important forum for marine fisheries and conservation scientists in the
wider Caribbean, shared with ca. 250 participants their livelihood
experiences and innovative models for managing coastal fisheries resources.
Despite the differences in the abundance and composition of their fisheries
and socioeconomic and governance contexts, the presentations and exchanges
with the audience showed that community-based management and [...]

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Caribbean fisherfolk share experiences of livelihoods and community-based management at the 67th GCFI | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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