Call for papers for the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (2WSFC), Solicitud de trabajos Segundo Congreso Mundial de Pesquerías Artesanales

Call for papers for the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (2WSFC), Solicitud de trabajos Segundo Congreso Mundial de Pesquerías Artesanales

Acosta, Alejandro
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (2WSFC), which will be held in Mérida, Mexico on 21-25 September 2014.

The first Congress held in 2010 in Bangkok was focused on 'Issues and Solutions'. For the 2WSFC, given the advancement in research and enhanced policy interests on small-scale fisheries, we can now concentrate on exploring 'OPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES'. The unique nature and characteristics associated with small-scale fisheries call for different thinking about how the sector should be economically developed [...]

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Call for papers for the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (2WSFC), Solicitud de trabajos Segundo Congreso Mundial de Pesquerías Artesanales | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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