Breaking News from Bonaire National Marine Park: Court acknowledges the importance of proper nature conservation legislation to protect the Natural Capital of Bonaire.

Breaking News from Bonaire National Marine Park: Court acknowledges the importance of proper nature conservation legislation to protect the Natural Capital of Bonaire.

Anouschka van de Ven
Court acknowledges the importance of proper nature conservation legislation
to protect the Natural Capital of Bonaire.

The amendment of Bonaire¹s Spatial Development Plan (ROB) to allow building
activities in the heavily protected marine park are in violation of the law,
regulation and nature policy of the island.

21 July, Bonaire - Six weeks ago, the BES Court of First Instance heard the
second round of appeals against ongoing government attempts to open the
Bonaire National Marine Park to development that could have irreversible
negative impacts on the marine ecosystem. Yesterday morning, plaintiffs STCB
and STINAPA, received the decisions of the [...]

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Breaking News from Bonaire National Marine Park: Court acknowledges the importance of proper nature conservation legislation to protect the Natural Capital of Bonaire. | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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