Any Cittarium pica Researchers going to the 67th GCFI Barbados Conference?

Any Cittarium pica Researchers going to the 67th GCFI Barbados Conference?

J.A. Macfarlan
I am looking for interested researchers/stakeholders/fishers to hold a
discussion or focus group at the GCFI Barbados meeting to discuss ongoing
and future work related to the fishery and ecology of Cittarium pica, also
known as Whelk/Burgao/Bulgao/Cigua/West Indian Topshell/Magpie.

Please RSVP me at: [email protected], with your contact information
and the focus of your *C.pica* research or interest in the species.

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Any Cittarium pica Researchers going to the 67th GCFI Barbados Conference? | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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