Announcing the 7th Annual Lionfish Session at GCFI

Announcing the 7th Annual Lionfish Session at GCFI

James Morris - NOAA Federal
Dear Listers,

We want to bring to your attention the 7th Annual Lionfish Session to be
held during the 67th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference
(GCFI), November 3rd -7th, in Barbados.

*Invasive lionfish: Biology, ecology, and control strategies*

The lionfish invasion represents one of the most severe invasions of marine
ecosystems to date. Presentations are invited addressing lionfish biology,
ecological and economic impacts, control strategies, and local and regional
management. Preference will be given to those presentations providing new
information relative to control and management. [...]

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Announcing the 7th Annual Lionfish Session at GCFI | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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