Announcement on the focus of the 2015 GCFI "MPA Science and Management" session coordinated by CaMPAM

Announcement on the focus of the 2015 GCFI "MPA Science and Management" session coordinated by CaMPAM

Georgina Bustamante
Dear colleagues,

This year, the “MPA Science and Management” session at the GCFI conference
–as customarily sponsored through UNEP-CEP-SPAW/CaMPAM- will focus mainly on
the application of the ecosystem-based approach to the planning and
management of marine managed areas.

This theme comprises examples of ecological characterization and valuation
of ecosystem services and how this was successfully used for achieving the
conservation objectives; successful experiences with the local community to
raise awareness on the importance and value of ecosystems; assisting fishers
to transit to less impacting livelihoods and the engagement of other sectors
or stakeholders (tourism, shipping, developers, etc.) in the planning [...]

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Announcement on the focus of the 2015 GCFI "MPA Science and Management" session coordinated by CaMPAM | Invasive Lionfish Portal


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